Spirit of Cricket Award

The first item in the official cricket rules is “The Preamble – The Spirit of Cricket”. The KPCC Spirit of Cricket award is given to a player, players, family, volunteer or team in the Junior grade who has played and/or presented themselves according to this spirit, or have contributed to their team or club aligning with this spirit.

Nominations are sought at the end of the season, with the award given at Junior presentation afternoon.

The Spirit of Cricket notes that it is just as important for cricket to be played within the spirit of the game as it is to be played to the rules. As part of this, nominees must have shown respect for opponents, their team, umpires, the game and its traditional values.

Award winners

Season Recipient
2023/24 Erin and Luke Keen
2022/23 Ben May
2021/22 The Milne Family - Nathan, Hayden, Andrew & Amanda
2020/21 Ethan and Don Schreuder
2019/20 not awarded
2018/19 Jeff Stewart
2017/18 Lachlan Hooke
2016/17 Kath and David Aubourg
2015/16 Billy Jameson
2014/15 not awarded
2013/14 Under 9 Red
2012/13 Peter Aitken
2011/12 Trish Lynch
2010/11 Roark Hazelton
2009/10 Under 12 Red
2008/09 Verity Campbell
2007/08 Under 11 White
2006/07 Under 10 Red
2005/06 Under 10 White
2001/02 Peter Stapledon
spirit of cricket award