Casual registration options

We offer the following options for players aged 18+ to play on a per-match basis in our Senior competition teams.

Note: older Junior players registered in the current season can play in our Senior teams on an as-required basis at no extra cost, based on the approval of parents and the Vice-President Seniors.

The following options are suitable for those players who may not be able to commit to playing a full season or would like to try out playing with KPCC before committing to a full season for the following season:

  • A single match fee of $30
  • A 3 match fee of $90
  • A 5 match fee of $150

A "match" is a T20, One Day or Two Day match. You don't have to play matches in sequence.

The fee paid contributes towards our ground booking fees and to ensure our club remains financially strong. The fee is in addition to one-off season fees charged by Cricket Australia, Cricket NSW or the Association (for season 24/25 this totals $32.50).

Converting to full-time

If you catch the cricket bug and wish to convert to a full-time player, you can do so upon application to the VP Seniors. Any casual fees you have already paid are taken off your full time fee and you will pay the remainder. If you have already paid over the Full-Time fee amount in casual match fees, no refunds are provided. Please contact us before this occurs.

Regardless of playing status, you are welcome to come to our training sessions during the week at Auluba Oval at no cost.

Nomination process

  1. Send an email to [email protected]
  2. Include in the email your player stats link on Use the search form to find your record and copy the website address into the email. This must be your stats record.
  3. If you have never played cricket before or do not have a recent stats record, put that information in the email along with any previous cricket played, how long ago and how you rate yourself
  4. Provide your full name, and any other names you are known as. The association requires this information.
  5. All players should list any dates they are not available to play.
  6. Our Seniors coordinator will request a rating for you from the Association, which will determine the grades you can play.
  7. If we have a vacancy in one of our teams our Seniors coordinator will contact you to see if you can play.
  8. You must register into the team using the PlayHQ link provided to you and pay the one-off Cricket Australia yearly National Registration Fee of $22.50 and any Association fees (currently $10).
  9. If any fees are due, you will receive a payment request from PlayHQ. This must be paid for you to be selected in the team.

Rules of the road

  • All casual players should read and understand our Senior Selection Policy, especially for Finals selections.
  • If you convert to a full-time player during the season, you are still considered a casual player for finals selections. This is done to avoid any issues arising at the time these selections are made.
  • Depending on full time player availability at finals time, their may be casual places in finals offered, provided those players have played enough games.
  • The association places minimum match requirements for players to participate in finals
  • If you do not pay the match fee by the due date you will not be considered for selection until you pay this fee.
  • If you have played for another club in the HK&HDCA association in the same season, a clearance is required which may delay your selection.


Vice President - Seniors – Kissing Point Cricket Club
August 2024