
This policy aims to articulate the process the club uses to select senior teams for matches so that players are aware of the reasons for a selection decision. This is most relevant when there are too many players available for any single round.

The process is designed to be as fair as possible and to get games for as many players as possible throughout the season without unnecessary disruptions to any team.

All players should be aware that the task of the Team Selector in organising and selecting 70+ cricketers for their matches in one week is large and sometimes difficult. If you wish to assist the Team Selector in this task, please contact them.


  • Team Selector: Vice President - Seniors
  • Full Time player: a KPCC player who has registered on PlayHQ and has paid for a registration option labelled "Full Time" OR a player who has registered as "Insurance Only" and has entered an agreed instalment payment plan with the club
  • Casual player: a KPCC player who has registered on PlayHQ and has paid for a product or fee labelled "Casual", including Casual game packs OR a player who has registered as "Insurance Only" and has not yet paid a club fee. Read our Senior competition casual registration information.
  • Junior fill-in player: Any KPCC registered Junior Competition player who is playing in the Senior competition on an as-required basis via a no-cost Permit issued on PlayHQ
  • Association: the Hornsby, Kuring-gai and Hills District Cricket Association
  • Insurance Only: a registration option where the player pays the compulsory CA, CNSW and Association fees, only.


The club recognises and accepts that as a community club it is our duty to provide a safe, enjoyable and friendly environment for all our members to actively participate in and play cricket. Further, it is our intention to be fair and consistent in the treatment of all players.

In doing this the club will endeavour to always consider the following:

  1. The aim is to field balanced sides as much as possible.
    1. The need to retain a level of competitiveness appropriate to the type of fixture and reputation of the club
    2. The need to create an environment which is conducive to player development
  2. As we are a club and not a collection of individual teams, players may be asked to help in other grades as ratings permit.
  3. Given that games are unpredictable due to many factors (rain, the toss, batting order/performance etc), some players may get more game time than others.
    This is unavoidable but will be considered by Captains if there are too many players for a round.
  4. Regular attendance at training sessions may be considered, however players who are not able to attend training for legitimate reasons (e.g. work and family commitments, etc) will not be penalised. Players unable to train must communicate this to the captain and/or Team Selector.
  5. Where teams have a core of players (friends, family members, etc) that wish to play together, the club will endeavour to accommodate this.
  6. Any player in breach of the KPCC Player’s Code of Conduct and/or the Association's Code of Conduct may be overlooked for selection, regardless of other selection criteria.
  7. It must be recognised that sometimes these objectives are not compatible with each other.
  8. Any player who is unhappy with the selection process or with the Team Selector should take their concerns to the club President.


The Club currently uses the application "Team App" to manage player availability. All players will be sent an invite to Team App if they are not a current user. If you do not have an invite, contact the Team Selector immediately.

Any players wishing to be considered for a match must confirm their availability with their Team Captain by 6pm on the Tuesday prior to that round via Team App.

Team Captains should gather player availability for the following match by the end of the match in progress and forward these on to the Team Selector. If there is any doubt or the Team Captain has not responded to you, please confirm your availability directly with the Team Selector. The Team Selector will not be held responsible for any inaccurate information received from the team captains.

If a player confirms after the 6pm Tuesday deadline, they will only be considered if there is an opening in a suitable team (grade) after all teams have been finalised.

Players are asked to confirm their availability on a round-by-round basis. To avoid any possible misunderstandings, blanket “available all games” type nominations should be avoided and will not be accepted.


Once confirmations are received, the Team Selector will use the following criteria to produce a first cut of players available for selection in the upcoming round.

  1. Players registered Full Time will get preference over Junior fill-ins and Casuals, in that order
  2. Players (Full Time, Junior fill-in or Casual, in that order) who are available both weeks of a 2-day game get preference over any player who can only play 1 week

4.1 Too Many / Too Few Players Process

Where there are too many or too few players for the round after the above process, the Team Selector will consult with the Captains of the teams concerned and ask for input on the team selection. This may be one or many teams depending on numbers available.

4.2 Role and Responsibility of Captains in this process:

  1. Captains are expected to have a view on team selections when there are too many players for a round as the Captain is best placed to understand who within the team might be selected / not selected.
  2. When there are too few players for a round, Captains are expected to assist in coordinating the search for fill-in players.

As a guide to Captains, the above should be considered while keeping in mind the Overarching Principles described below.


For the sake of clarity, the Team Selector’s decision is final.

Subsequent to consultation with Captains (if required), the Team Selector will draw up the final team lists and these will be shared online to all registered players.


  1. To qualify to play in a KPCC team/grade in a Semi-Final or Grand Final for the season's competition, a player must have made themselves available to be selected to play in at least 7 matches in a season for that qualifying team/grade.
  2. If a player has been selected to play in another team/grade during the season due to the Team Selector moving them because of insufficient player numbers, then these games will count toward qualification.
  3. All other factors will be considered as listed in ‘Overarching Principles’.
  4. Casual and Junior fill-in players will not be considered for finals unless:
    1. the team is under the required number of players to compete in the match
    2. the player has played the minimum number of games for that team to qualify for the finals, as required by the Association
  5. Players who have not paid their full season fees will not be considered for finals selections. The club understands that some players may not be able to pay their full season fees in one payment. If this applies, please contact the Team Selector well before the finals. 


  1. Meet your commitments - please don't drop out after notification of selection
  2. If you must drop out after selection, please make sure that you notify your Captain and the Team Selector and receive confirmation from them that they have received your notification.
  3. Notify your availability for each round before 6pm on the Tuesday before the round, including any need to leave early from a match, "play at home" etc.
  4. Be responsible for checking your selection and advise any non-availability to captains and the Team Selector at the earliest opportunity.
  5. Attend training sessions to the best of your ability / availability.
  6. Be on time - arrival at the game should be 30 minutes before the scheduled start of play
  7. If you must leave a match early, tell your captain as early as possible
  8. Play where selected to the best of your ability.
  9. Help your captain on match days, without being asked.
  10. Comply with the KPCC Code of Conduct 
  11. Comply with the Association's Code of Conduct
  12. If you are a Casual player, make sure you pay your match fee. Instructions will be provided at the start of the season.

President – Kissing Point Cricket Club
June 2024